The Mysterious Loss

Everyone surely ever lost something, either it is valuable or not. Yet have you ever lost something mysteriously? It is like going somewhere and you will never see it again. I ever experienced that event of losing something mysteriously. It was my favorite earrings. When I was in junior high school, my mother took me to a jewelry shop in the traditional market. She let me choose the earring that I like. I was so excited. I felt slightly difficult to choose one pair of earrings because I saw many beautiful earrings, which attracted my attention. After I considered it, finally I chose a pair of Mickey-mouse-head earrings with small jewel on both its ears.

            I liked that earring. It was simple, small, cute, and not too much glamour for me. I even wore it on both my ears, though
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Cause and Effect of Young Marriage

A marriage commonly occurs between two adult man and woman. However, it can occur in young people under 18 years old. It is commonly called early marriage or young marriage. There are two main reasons why it can happen. Those are pregnant before the marriage and economic factors           .

The pregnancy before the marriage often occurs to the teenagers. The statistic data of BKKBN in Indonesia show that in 2013, there are 20,9% of Indonesian teenagers being  pregnant before they get married. Though they are underage, it is not impossible if their parents force them to get married. Health problems, psychological and emotional stress, even less harmonization of the family are the consequences of the pregnancy before marriage to the teenagers.

The economic factor is often utilized as the main reason by parents in poor family to let their children get married. For instance, the parents give one of their daughters to be married by a much older wealthy man. When the dowry or bride price is paid, it is often welcome income for poor family. The young marriage also allows parents to reduce family expenses by ensuring they have one less person to feed, clothe and educate.

In conclusion, the young marriage is caused by many reasons, but the most common are pregnant before the marriage and economic factors. Young marriage should be avoided because it gives more negative effects than the positive.

Revolusi Perancis



1.1 Latar Belakang

Revolusi adalah perubahan sosial dan kebudayaan yang berlangsung secara cepat dan menyangkut dasar atau pokok-pokok kehidupan masyarakat. Di dalam revolusi, perubahan yang terjadi dapat direncanakan atau tanpa direncanakan terlebih dahulu dan dapat dijalankan tanpa kekerasan atau melalui kekerasan.Ukuran kecepatan suatu perubahan sebenarnya relatif karena revolusi pun dapat memakan waktu lama. 

Jadi, revolusi Perancis adalah suatu masa di dalam negara Perancis antara tahun 1789 sampai 1799, dimana para demokrat dan pendukung republikanisme menjatuhkan monarki absolut di Perancis dan memaksa gereja khatolik Roma menjalani restrukturisasi yang radikal.
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